Monday, October 26, 2009

Dear Blog...I'm sorry

So I completely and utterly stink at blogging. As the previous post stated school is in session and I am busy! Not a great excuse because everyone is busy and yet still find time to blog, but it's what I got. I'm busy. I enjoy my job and am glad I chose to work where I have but being a first year teacher starting a new program is a little (LOT) overwhelming. Am I doing the right thing? Am I doing enough for my precious students? Um...what is my principal talking about in this email he just sent out? Where do I find this? My poor mentor teacher...he deserves a nice evening out with his family for all the questions I've bugged him with. He says he doesn't mind but I'm pretty sure he's lying. I feel a little better about certain things each day but then different, new things come up and get me a little flustered. For example, our school's fundraiser is a Jog-a-thon. All the students get donations or people can pledge so much money for each lap the student runs. Well last week was the big day. I didn't know what to do, where to go, where to give the envelopes, etc. etc. It was frustrating and embarrassing to feel like a goob not knowing what to do. This type has happened throughout the school year, little things coming up that I wasn't informed about. Because of these little incidents, I have decided to create a nice manual for future new employees. It will list all the things I wasn't told at the one 1 hour faculty meeting before the start of school. That manual continues to grow btw.

In other news, my half marathon training is not going as well this time around. Perhaps it's because I don't have as much excitement being that I've ran one before, perhaps because of my work and being so tired upon coming home, or perhaps because I don't have my awesome running buddy, Lori, to run with during the week. Not to mention our long run Saturdays have been compromised to OU football. Whatever the case, it's not going as well as last time. I need more motivation for it because I want to run another one, especially since I already said I was going to and I don't want to go back on my word.

Well as stated earlier, I am tired by the time I get home from work (which was a couple of hours ago). So by now this "grammy" (this is how Jeremy refers to me now) is ready to shower, read a little Nicholas Sparks, and get some shut eye. 'Night to all (or the 2 people that read this)

Monday, August 24, 2009

School is Here!

So school has started and I'm 8 days down, a mere 167 left to go! Wow that sounds....long. Well this has started off as a debbie downer blog but I'm actually very much enjoying my class and my first year teaching. My students are definitely teaching me something everyday and they have reaffirmed my love for naps. Oh so active those precious darlings are. I got a new student today so my count is up to 6 boys and 1 girl. I have 2 teacher assistants and an extra teacher assistant for a little bit of time in the afternoon, which is very helpful! The kids, teacher assistants and myself are getting used to our schedule and our daily routine and slowly things are getting better.

On top of my first year of teaching I am also in my first year of coaching volleyball. I am definitely more comfortable with basketball or softball but it seems to be working out okay. Luckily the season is over by the end of September so my insecurities about being an inadequate coach will soon end.

There's more going on in my life but my little goobers wore me I'm thinking it's 8:20.....I'm so lame.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh my!

School starts in 17 days!!
17 days.
Freaking out.
Am I ready?
Do I know what I'm doing?
Are those precious little kids going to learn anything from me?
Dear goodness.
I need to go lay down.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So my little brother turned 19 on Sunday. I can't believe he's 19! I remember the good ol' days of him barging into my room while I was playing with my friends. Ok, so those weren't good times and I actually got really annoyed when he did that, but what are little brothers for? I am SO proud of the person my brother has become. He is so kind, caring, hard working, funny and just plain awesome. He would do anything to help his family and friends and has a great laugh (listen carefully and you might hear it). Michael I love you and Happy Birthday!

The birthday boy and myself
Uncle Mikey and Ryan

Siblings at our finest

Much nicer

Blowing out ALL those candles!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Need me some help

Lord, I need patience. Please grant me guidance and lead me to where you want me to be. And give me peace in your decision.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Last night my nephews came over and spent the night. We had a lot of fun. Will of course wanted to wrestle and there was also some Wii playing. To end the evening we made popcorn and watched Spiderman 2. The boys decided they wanted to sleep in the living room. Will slept on the couch and Ryan slept in the recliner. We have an extra bed but they weren't having it. I was kinda nervous that they would wake up early since that's what they're used to, but they had sympathy on us. Ryan woke up at 8 and Will at 9! YAY!!

Then today we played some more Wii, watched a little bit of The Incredibles, played outside, went to the park and had some Chic-Fil-A. I think we all had a great time. Too bad we don't have many outside toys to keep them entertained. Perhaps someday.

Will hiding on a shelf in my closet. What a silly boy!

Ryan and Will on top of the tunnel. Please disregard their improper use of the equipment.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Car for Sale

We are selling our 2002 Monte Carlo. If you or anybody you know is interested let me know!
about 98,000 miles
leather with heated seats
runs great!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Undefeated in Big XII...nope

So OU men lost Saturday and now the women just lost to Texas A&M by 1 point!!!! Oh and did I mention they had 29 turnovers?!?!!! Seriously ladies....that's ridonkulous!! Learn from it and NEVER let it happen again!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

It looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays

Today was a little overwhelming. I am currently student teaching in Blanchard working with 2nd and 3rd graders. This week in math we're doing fractions. I was somewhat nervous and unsure altogether of how to explain fractions to the students and whether any of them already knew anything about fractions. My first group consists of 2nd graders. These particular students are much lower developmentally but they always surprise me with things and concepts they grasped so I wasn't sure how the fractions would go. Um...not well. I started off reading a book about fractions to introduce the concept and common terms and fractions. No. It went all wrong. I just ended up stopping in the middle and asked my teacher for help. Then after that group left I just broke down. My teacher let me step outside so I could cry over my complete failure. I felt horrible. My wonderful teacher told me that she has times like that still and to not worry about it. So I continued on with fractions for the other two groups, another 2nd grade group and then a 3rd grade group. Each group was better and better because developmentally the students were higher and higher.

So glad I got my first cry out of the way. I'm sure it won't be my last. And happy to report the rest of the day went pretty well. So tomorrow going to change up the original plan a bit and make things more enjoyable for EVERYONE!

Hope everyone else had a great day especially my good friend Jeana!! No more Pump it Up stories to share.....tear.

Friday, February 13, 2009

25 Random Things

I've read some random things about other people lately and decided I would write my own. Presenting: 25 random things about me!

1. I was born 3 weeks early, weighing 5 lbs. and 9 oz.

2. I swallowed my first tooth eating pizza at ChuckECheese and wrote a note to the tooth fairy explaining the situation. It totally worked because I got $3!!!

3. I used to be a cheerleader....but it didn't last long.

4. I hated going to day care during my early years. Complete torture.

5. Shaving is a pain. I usually get bored in the middle of it and end up only shaving one leg. Husband can verify this.

6. I've always wanted to take voice lessons and become an AWESOME singer....oh well.

7. I do not enjoy cooking. I'm too impatient to wait for the food to finish and it just makes a huge mess with dishes to clean. I'm so grately my loving husband does enjoy cooking and keeps me well fed!

8. It bothers me when there are wet feet print on the floor mat from people after they showered. I would like to advise all future house guests to dry their feet before stepping down. Thanks for the support.

9. The color orange....disgusting. Period.

10. My husband is my one and only boyfriend. Unless you count those elementary romances. But let's not.

11. I could eat pasta and rice everyday. Which I pretty much already do. For example, dinner tonight was angel hair pasta w/herbs and that's all. And...I actually made it!

12. People used to ask me if I was related to Donald Sutherland, the actor. Um....why actually yes. My family just chose to change the spelling of our name. We wanted to be different. So we picked Sutherlin. (I hope my sarcasm is seeping through here)

13. I like sarcasm and use it often.

14. My favorite ice cream is cookies n cream!

15. I look forward to one day being a mom. I really want a little boy.

16. I really don't enjoy going to school. I'm glad to have graduated and be done with writing papers and taking tests.

17. I have a really good memory. Especially numbers, names and faces.

18. I agree with Lori. I too hate getting ready for bed when I'm tired. Remove contacts, wash face, brush teeth, use restroom, put on chapstick, and usually go to the bathroom again. Ugh.

19. I love watching TV. Probably a little too much. Some of my favs are One Tree Hill, Desperate Housewives, CSI: New York, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, Grey's Anatomy, The Biggest Loser. Just to name a few.

20. My first pet was a cat my parents got for me when I was around one. She was named Keikei because that's how I said kitty. Awww.....precious.

21. I like to sleep in the middle of the bed. Husband isn't a fan of this.

22. This was number in softball and basketball. (22).

23. My dear cousin calls me Two Two March. Apparently that's how I said at one time, at a young age. I've seen no proof of this so it can't be verified.

24. I prefer cats to dogs. They are much more less maintenance.

25. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Looper Christmas!

Yes I know...a little slow at getting pictures up here. But better late than never!! We had 3 different Christmas' this year: Looper fam in Duncan, Sutherlin clan in Norman, and Ingram (mom's side) at OUR house! That's right we were the hosts! It was so nice to have the space to have the entire fam over for food and fun! Enjoy the pics!

This is myself and s-i-l Brooke (or Bwooke, as I like to say) just chillin 'til present time

Bwooke and me still chillin but now...we have antlers!

The Looper girls!

The lovely Christmas tree...sorry it's sideways...

I stole a smooch...HA!

The Looper adults.

The whole Looper fam! Yay for timers on cameras!

We had a great time in Duncan as usual and hope to go visit there again soon! More Christmas pics to come....soon?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!'s 2009! I can't believe it! 2008 flew by! We're starting off the new year with Ingram family christmas at our house. Which reminds me, I still haven't posted pics of the new homestead. I'll be sure to take pics today and post later. So here in a few hours about 20 people will be packed into this place, unwrapping gifts, eating, playing games, eating, playing the wii, eating, hanging out and probably some more eating. :) I am looking forward to having everyone together. Better go shower and start getting things ready!